If you dared to wade through
this post, you know I've had a little nagging voice at the back of my head for the last couple of months telling me I need to shift priorities. To simplify my life and get back to the basics. I listen for about 2 seconds then push it back in my head and go back to "life as we know it". This past weekend, that little voice became a BIG voice in the form of misplaced ribs and inflamed muscles in my back. OUCH!! I've been living on Advil, Tylenol and hot/cold packs since Sunday morning. Thankfully, I have a friend who is a Massage Therapist who worked on me for an hour last night and she referred me to a great Chiropractor who will see me tomorrow morning. I guess it's time to really pay attention to the voice. Stress really does have a way of manifesting physically when you don't take care of it, doesn't it?
So. I'm simplifying. I'm working on whittling away the life-clutter that I've loved but that has taken my focus away from what matters most to me....my family.
One thing that is not so concrete and will be a little (or a lot) challenging is learning to use the word 'No'. But I need to focus on being picky about what I allow to occupy my time.
One of the more concrete things I can do is to discontinue my Stampin' Up! demonstratorship. I still LOVE, LOVE SU!. I always will. But trying to round up workshops, clubs, ideas, etc. is more than my not-so-little body can handle now. I'm pretty sure I will still be "current" until the end of March because of the way SU! runs things but I won't be actively advertising. I won't, however, turn down orders if they happen to come my way until that time. I'm stressed, not stupid. ;)
I still will also be holding card classes in my home, but not as often as I have been. Probably only 3 or 4 times a year. Yes. That's more do-able. And I'll be able to use the non-SU! supplies I already have in my stash which will decrease my monthly out-of-pocket expenses, which is another thing I need to simplify.
Now, I will still be crafting & posting my craft projects occasionally, but it will be on my time and not because I need to get ready/advertise for a class or club and will be when I really feel the inspiration to craft something. Because, seriously now. I can't totally get rid of my crafting/paper crafting hobby. I love it way too much!
Whew. I think I feel those back muscles loosening up a tiny bit already. :)
If you've had the same thoughts as I have and you've been simplifying your life as a result, please leave me a comment! I NEED to not feel alone in this. I NEED to hear what things you are eliminating to help you live a simple but rich life!