About how I have new responsibilities at work now (never mind that I kinda asked for it).
About how inadequate and stupid I feel in my new job every day.
About how guilty I feel because I volunteered for an additional project at work and then backed out at the last minute because I felt so overwhelmed.
About how although I only work 4 hours a day, 4 days a week, my mind and body feel like I work 80 hours a week and like one day my family will come home to find me rocking in the corner counting my fingers.
About how I wish I could KEEP some sort of routine at home so someone could just drop by and I wouldn't have to feel embarrassed because there seems to always be dirty dishes in the sink or crap on every flat surface.
About how inadequate I feel as a mom because my kids have not been nice to their good friends lately.
About how, once again, I have lost that short-lived desire to exercise and eat healthy.
About how I'm tired of comparing myself to everyone else. Yet I still do it.
About how I need to somehow simplify my life. NOW.
About how much I hate the fact that I complain even though I have such a great life with a healthy family, money coming in, and food to eat.
But I decided against writing that stuff. Because this is a craft blog and you don't want to hear my nutty ramblings.
So I'll post pictures of these: And call it good.
These are all great but I LOVE the banner one with the bird!! Oh my, so cute!!